"what do you remember?" A booming voice rang out. I contemplated on memory, but the accident seemed to have given me temporary amnesia. "Let's see where I remember first." I closed my eyes immersing myself in the shrouded void. "I was swaying in the rain, my hair floating upon the breeze as if they were dance partners moving in sync. My feet tapping along the concrete for entertainment and my top hat on the gravel. I'd just been kicked out for wanting to do tap dance as a boy instead of a jock or something that dear father of mine thinks is manly." I took a deep breath as a shot of pain went through my nerves in my brain. "I remember that my hat was stolen by a uniquely designed black and white cat." The voice spoke out "do you remember the design of the feline?" I focused on the cats fur in the memory like dream, "I think it was all black and the top half of the face was white as well as the inside of the ears, a vertical line down its back, legs, paws and tail." The voice hummed intrigued in learning this. "Anything else you remember my dear boy?" I nodded shaking from my nerves taking over, "the cat went into a smoke of blue as I chased it down the alleyway, but my feet kept tapping away as if I were on Broadway." The voice gave me a chuckle, "my, what an astounding adventure, now tell me how did you die?" I paled from the sudden words and it all came back to me as if I were being stoned in the dark ages. "I was run over by a drunk driver and my lungs were impaled by my ribs.. that cat was there too." The mysterious voice revealed themselves as the cat. "I'm death, nice to meet you."
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